In the mid 2000s the tech giant, Apple, released a new advertisement for their MP3 player, the iPod. This advertisement came a few years after the initial release of the iPod which made significant improvements to the way that people could listen to music on the go, as they no longer had to carry around cassette tapes or CDs. The short commercial was made by the company in an effort to persuade viewers to purchase the product through the use of music and silhouettes to appeal to their emotions. The commercial begins right away with the playing of an upbeat song with a quick, dance like tempo. Along with this music, images of silhouettes can be seen using the iPod while they dance along. The use of an upbeat song like the one that Apple chose for the commercial has great potential to cause an emotional response within a viewer. This emotional response would make it more likely that the next time a viewer of the commercial feels a similar response to music, they may connect the feeling with the iPod from the commercial that also caused these feelings. Ultimately, this makes the viewer more likely to purchase the device. On top of this, Apple’s use of the dancing silhouettes for the commercial is also hugely significant as it symbolizes that anyone can use the iPod, no matter who you are or what you look like. It also shows that people should feel free to express themselves in any way that they want, in this case through dance, no matter who you are. This is huge as viewers may feel more inclined to purchase the iPod as it could offer a sense of self expression and even of equality as the commercial for the product is not targeted at any one specific group of people. Overall, I do believe that Apple was able to effectively accomplish their goal of persuading users to purchase the iPod through their numerous emotional appeals. This is also clear due to the massive success of the iPod, selling hundreds of thousands of units across the entire globe and they are still selling today.
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